1664 Amelith Road, Bay City, Michigan 48706, United States
Join us as we celebrate 60 years of LWML at St. John Amelith!
Thank you for joining us in our celebration!
School Kits - Orphan Grain Train
LWML is collecting school supplies for Orphan Grain Train which are sent to places where even the few required school supplies may be more than a family can afford. The list of supplies are on the poster board in the gathering area. Get what you can find on sale - you don’t need to furnish a complete kit. LWML is supplying all of the cinch up backpack bags. There will be a container for these items under the hangers in the gathering area until our meeting to assemble the school bags on September 19th.
Thank you for your help!
You are blessing to many children in need.
St. John Amelith Lutheran Church and School
1664 Amelith Rd. Bay City MI 48706
Copyright © 2021 St. John Amelith Lutheran Church - All Rights Reserved.