We are hosting a seminar with Doxology presenting "Navigating Christian Sexuality in a Post-Christian Culture. With the legal redefinition of marriage, the confusion regarding gender, and rapidly changing sexual mores in society, biblical educators, pastors, singles, couples, and parents are looking for guidance in articulating and promoting a positive view of the Christian vision for marriage and sexuality. Doxology's goal is to equip people with tools to speak constructively and to live confidently amid the current confusion." The conference will be featuring speakers Rev. David Fleming and Dr. Beverly Yahnke from Doxology. Make sure you sign up to join us on November 1, 2025
We have a YouTube channel so that whether you need to be at home or on the go you can still listen to God's word.
St. John Amelith Lutheran Church and School
1664 Amelith Rd. Bay City MI 48706